See Right Through

See Right Through cover smallDevin Salvo has always remained three steps ahead: in chess, on the pitch, and in his love life. His every desire is within arm’s reach, except the one person Devin has always wished would be his in the end. All it takes is one conversation to open his eyes to a new possibility, one moment to change what Devin believes about friendship and love and one person to change the rules of the game.

Sam Marshall has been fighting his feelings for his friend and roommate for two years. When an opportunity presents itself, he makes his move, only to be faced with the very real fear that what he sees in Devin, the potential waiting to be realized, may be more than their friendship can handle.

You can download it from Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, Kobo Books, Amazon or Smashwords.

See Right Through has been reviewed at Mm Good Book Reviews and Rainbow Book Reviews.

See Right Through is also featured in the anthology Love is Always Write: Volume Eight, available at Goodreads.

First Impression

firstimpressioncoversmallWhen Damon Carter locks eyes with this fan, instinct tells him there’s more in store than a boring encounter with an eager groupie.

Download or read the ebook at Goodreads.


Coming soon, the extended story “Feeding on Chaos.”



True Purpose

true purpose_smallCaught alone on a dark night, one man reflects on his past mistakes as he feels his life quickly coming to an end. Will one young woman be able to save him and herself from an uncertain fate as their paths and purpose become one and the same?

The story is now available at Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo Books, Itunes and Goodreads.




Starting Over

Starting over cover smallKurt Dennings learned one life lesson the hard way: love, even between a parent and child, is not always unconditional. After coming out and experiencing a painful rejection from his parents and friends, Kurt feels as if he’s lost everything that mattered. Then he connects with James Theard and his perspective on life and the truth found in love changes forever.

Starting Over is featured in the anthology “Don’t Read in the Closet: Volume Three” available from Goodreads.



The Art of Teasing


Mason was walking temptation. Every day, Jake was finding it harder to resist.

You can read this short story on Goodreads.


In December of 2013, I was inspired by the picture you see to your left, taken by the amazing photographer, Dan Skinner. The result is a sexy little tease of a story that I hope one day to expand into something more.




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